Current & Pending Nominations
Nomination type: Region
Nomination: Gulf Coast States (MS, LA)
The Independent News Revival Guild accepted a nomination to help reporters in Louisiana and Mississippi in 2024. INRG is coordinating with the University of Mississippi Journalism school for a reporting trip to inspire local publications, and seeking more partners currently. Publications within the nominated region that apply for the INRG can apply for either the full program or just help on specific coverage.
See the INRG homepage to apply for help or to volunteer.
Publications applications: Open until Feb. 25, 2024
Participant applications: Open until January 25, 2024
INRG plans to have reporters work remotely on stories for up to three months prior to a 1-to-2 week trip in the late spring or early summer. Participants will be stay with host families and travel to several different areas during this assignment. All participants are expected to contribute to at least one group project and produce at least one individual story.